"Cladaigh Chonamara" was a series exploring the landscape and history of South Connemara through sailing to and exploring various locations aboard "Maggie" a 24' Gleoiteog. I'd say if the new show is anywhere near as good as Cladaigh Chonamara we are in for a treat. Turas Húicéara is airing Thursday at 9:30pm and will also be available on TG4's web player.
In other news I was able to finally get down to Teal again this Saturday. Got the aft deck off and started on the side decks. About four o'clock I got tired of it and walked around taking photos instead. Here are a few.
These are some of the deck fittings from Teal. A couple of bronze cleats and a hoop for the Mizzen mast bobkin
The next two pictures are of Adrian hard at work on the planking. There is lots of measuring and re measuring; shaping and more shaping before the plank goes to the steamer. Then an hour later fingers crossed it's all worked out and a new plank will be pushed, wedged, shoved and clamped into place.
This is Peel Castle sitting at anchor up the Illen river, above Hegartys.
These are some images of my (limited) efforts at deck removal. I think I'll take the rubbing strake of to make life easier. It would probably have to come off after the deck anyway so might as well dive in. It will mean I can get access to the side of the deck planks, which are tongue and groove. Pulling them up from the long side rather than the ends will be a lot easier.